
Workshop "Men in Rope" 7.-8. December 2024 Daruma Berlin, Germany

7.-8. December 2024

Daruma Berlin, Germany


Level: medium/ advanced


Rigger: all genders are welcome, suspension safe 2-person TK, safe handling of uplines on bamboo, Rigger should be able to communicate well with their model. A rope set with at least 8-12 ropes of different lengths, at least three of them 10m long, is highly recommended.

Model: must have a male body, should have experience with suspensions, should be able to communicate well with their rigger.

More details at





Sex sells – beyond the historical matrix, group exhibition

Sex sells – beyond the historical matrix

group exhibition st semjoncontemporary galery, The female gaze on men and women. The male gaze on men.

July 5 – August 3, 2024

Opening: Thursday July 4, 7 – 9.30 pm

With :
Johnny Abbate, Bernadette Anzengruber, Henrietta Armstrong, Pancho Assoluto, , Norbert Bisky, Joanna Buchowska, Luke Carter, Rick Castro, Collagism, Kerstin Drechsel, Ute Essig, Tony Franz, Andreas Fux, Cihangir Gümüştürkmen, Renate Hampke, Kirsty Harris, Florian Hetz, Norbert Heuler, Rinaldo Hopf, Male Shibari, Jan-Holger Mauss, Anja Müller, Marcel Odenbach, Detlev Pusch, Michael Sayles, Eva Schwab, Tanja Selzer, Marianne Stoll, Thomas Synnamon, Ingo Taubhorn, Stefan Thiel, Petra Tödter, Elmar Vestner und Georg Weise

Exhibition: My gay eye - Uncensored , 1. Dezember 2023

It is a great honor for me to be represented in the book “My Gay Eye” with seven photos in the golden anniversary edition number twenty „Uncensored“. The book will be presented at a reading in the Eisenherz bookstore in Berlin. This time the reading will be combined with an exhibition in which original pictures of me from the book can be seen

Prinz Eisenherz Buchladen GmbH
Motzstr. 23
10777 Berlin

1. Dezember 2023



Exhibition : Pride Art "git.ed" , December 1, 2023 - January 1, 2024

Exhibition : Pride Art “git.ed”

At the same time there will be a opening reception in my exhibition space in the prison as part of the exhibition “gift.ed”. Among other things, you can see the twelve originals of my 2024 calendar.

Vernissage : 1.12..2023
19:00 – 22:00

December 1, 2023 – January 1, 2024

prideART Berlin e.V.
Söhtstr. 7, Berlin, Berlin, 12203


Workshop Men in rope, 25-26 February 2023, Hamburg

25-26 February 2023
Kinetik Speicher Hamburg, Germany

Level: medium/ advanced


Rigger: all genders are welcome, suspension safe 2-person TK, safe handling of uplines on bamboo, Rigger should be able to communicate well with their model. A rope set with at least 8-12 ropes of different lengths, at least three of them 10m long, is highly recommended.

Model: must have a male body, should have experience with suspensions, should be able to communicate well with their rigger.

Slide show: Saturday, 25.02.23 at 20:00 Presentation of a slide show of about (approx. 75min), “male Shibari : complete essential work 2021-2023”. ,

Language: German, English translation possible

Cost: EUR 400,00 per couple

Contents of the workshop

Regarding the male body in ropes, I talk about anatomy, aesthetics and emotional realities and explain with examples.

Further contents

2s / 3s TK
1/2 rope Futomomo
Winding a Fundoshi
Entry into the Male predicament
Registration by e-mail at:

Participants who do not yet have a partner, we can look for a counterpart. Please indicate when registering.

Exibition Primal Matter, 5.-10. April 2023, Berlin

It´s my great pleasure to inform you that my photos are being exhibited in public for the first time. I will be in Berlin from April 5th to April 8th. The pictures can be seen from April 5th to 10th.

Program :

Meet the artists:
Wednesday, April 5th, 2023, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m
Thursday, 02/06/23, 7 p.m. – 10 p.m
Friday, 07.04.23, 2 p.m. – 8 p.m

Address :

Soehtstr. 7
12203 Berlin | Germany

More information at:

I would be incredibly happy if you would like to come by :-)))

Male Shibari at Tom of Finland Art & Culture Festival 2023 in Berlin

Pride Art BerlinI am very honoured to have been selected by the Tom of Finland Fundation for my next exhibition during the Tom of Finland Art & Culture Festival 2023 ?

Where :
Soehtstr. 7, Berlin, Berlin, 12203

When :

12 May 2023 15:00 – 20:00
May 13, 2023 11:00 – 19:00
May 14, 2023 14:00 -19:00

I will be in the exhibition every day. I would be great, if you came by.

You can find more details at the following links

Ab 18 / Age restricted

Diese Seite über die Kunst des Bondage enthält Inhalte, die Minderjährige oder empfindliche Gemüter als verstörend empfinden könnten. Du musst daher über 18 Jahre alt sein, um diese Seite besuchen zu dürfen.
Bestätige jetzt dein Alter.

This page about the art of bondage contains content that minors or sensitive minds may find disturbing. You must therefore be over 18 years old to visit this site. Confirm your age now.