
Shibari, also known as Kinbaku, is an artistic form of Japanese bondage. This technique has its origins in samurai binding techniques and over time became an independent art form. Shibari uses ropes to aesthetically wrap and shape the body. This not only creates a visual aesthetic, but also a special feeling of connection and trust between the partners involved.

The art of Shibari requires precise knowledge of anatomy and knotting techniques to ensure safety on the one hand and to create aesthetically pleasing patterns on the other. Each binding is carefully planned and executed, always focusing on the individuality of the model and his/her/their needs.

Aside from the pure visual aesthetic, Shibari also has a deeper spiritual dimension. It can create an experience of surrender, release and connection. Many practicing couples find in it a space of intimacy and trust that goes beyond the purely physical.

It is important to emphasize that with Shibari, consent, communication and safety have to be the top priorities. Everyone involved needs to feel comfortable and safe, and it is essential to respect everyone’s boundaries and wishes.

Overall, Shibari is a fascinating art form that goes farbeyond bondage. It combines technique, aesthetics and a deep human connection in a unique way.

The text was (most) written by chatGPT tand describes the nature of Shibari quite accurately


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